Friday, March 31, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Thirty years after Linus Pauling was ridiculed for claiming vitamin C could cure cancer, new research shows high-dose infusions of vitamin C may prolong the lives of people with advanced tumours.
Reporting today in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, a team led by the U.S. National Institutes of Health details three cases in which patients with advanced cancer were effectively treated with high-dose intravenous vitamin C.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Saturday, March 18, 2006
The findings of this study corroborate the findings of other similar studies examining the effectiveness of lycopene in the treatment of prostate cancer. However, the amount used in the current study (4 mg per day) was substantially less than the amounts used in other studies (30 mg per day). It may also help stimulate the immune system and has been shown to cause cancer cells to die on their own. Although more research is needed to clarify what amount of lycopene is most effective, men with prostate cancer may benefit from taking daily lycopene supplements. Eating one moderately sized tomato a day also provides approximately 4 mg of lycopene. Other tomato products, such as an 8-ounce portion of tomato juice or tomato paste may provide up to 25 mg of lycopene.
British Journal of Urology International. (2003;92:375).
Thursday, March 16, 2006
1. They have a deep belief in their body's ability to heal in spite of being told by experts that their illness is terminal.
2. They regain a sense of control in their lives - a feeling of personal autonomy. They assume responsibility for creating a recovery program that is right for them - they do not simply abdicate responsibility for their treatment to experts.
3. They undergo a 'spiritual transformation' - an awakening of the true values and aspirations that have lain dormant deep inside themselves. Truly alive - perhaps for the very first time - this spiritual re-awakening brings a new authenticity to their life as they reconnect with their deepest feelings, values and aspirations. Once healed, they often look back upon their illness as a 'gift' that transformed their life.
4. They bring a new authenticity to their relationships with others.
5. They fully reassess their lives - often making very significant changes to their diet, life-style, career, goals, and relationships with others.
6. They often make radically healthful changes in their diet - away from refined, processed foods towards healthful, wholesome foods. They eat more fruits and vegetables and less animal fat, and many become vegetarian. Many begin taking vitamins and other supplements for the first time.
7. They take more time to simply relax and enjoy their life. For many, daily meditation or prayer becomes an important part of their life.
8. They learn to 'listen' to their bodies and to surrender to, rather than resist, the day-to-day fluctuations of energy, symptoms and emotions that accompany the healing process.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Monday, March 13, 2006
For young men, Lurie recommends a diet with little or no meat, and no smoking, since cigarette smoke increases the amount of cancer-causing free radicals in the body. While there are still no clear guidelines on how much is too much, he also recommends that young men limit the amount of alcohol they drink, especially beer, since alcohol consumption may elevate the risk of prostate cancer.
...from Check Up. West Coast Publishing. (Issue 25).
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Rutgers scientists have found that the curry spice turmeric holds real potential for the therapy and prevention of prostate cancer, especially when combined with certain vegetables.The researchers tested turmeric, also known as curcumin, along with phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC), a naturally occurring substance especially abundant in a group of vegetables that includes watercress, cabbage, winter cress, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, cauliflower, kohlrabi and turnips. "The bottom line is that PEITC and curcumin, alone or in combination, demonstrate significant cancer-preventive qualities in laboratory mice, and the combination of PEITC and curcumin could be effective in treating established prostate cancers," said Ah-Ng Tony Kong, a professor of pharmaceutics at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.The discovery was announced in the Jan. 15 issue of the journal Cancer Research by Kong and colleagues at Rutgers' Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Monday, March 06, 2006
Lycopene is a strong candidate when it comes to fighting off prostate cancer. Processed tomatoes are a great source of lycopene, having more available lycopene than fresh tomatoes - so adding canned tomatoes to most dishes and drinking tomato juice do offer valuable protection. But Lurie* cautions, tomatoes also contain inflammation-promoting substances which might not suit a person with an already enlarged prostate. In that case, a good quality lycopene supplement is recommended.
* see below
...from, Check Up. West Coast Publishing. (Issue 25).