A Prostate Cancer Journey

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Testosterone linked to cancers

BY SHARON KIRKEYCanwest News Service

H o r m o n e s u p p l e m e n t s , already shown to be harmful to women, may pose an “ urgent” h e a l t h r i s k t o m e n , s o m e researchers are warning.

Doctors who treated two men who developed unusually aggressive and fatal prostate cancer within months of them taking the same over- the- counter supplement for stronger muscles and “ enhanced sexual performance” say testosterone supplements may promote the growth of prostate cancer and stop anticancer drugs from working.

“ Given that testosterone supplements are in high demand, there is significant concern that HHDS ( herbal/ hormonal dietary supplements) other than the one evaluated in the current study may pose an urgent h u m a n health risk,” University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center researchers report in the journal, Clinical Cancer Research.
F o r l e g a l r e a s o n s t h e researchers won’t name the supplement, which was removed from the market, and say they have no direct proof that it caused the prostate cancers.
But a leading Canadian urologist warns that men who take nutritional supplements advertised as having male hormones are “ really playing with fire.”

“ Many men are on androgen replacement therapy or some kind of male hormone replacement and there’s always been a concern this may stimulate the growth of prostate cancer cells,” says Dr. Laurence Klotz, chief of the division of urology at Toronto’s Sunnybrook Health Science Centre.
“ It’s a very controversial question and the answer is still not clear.”

...from Vancouver Sun