A Prostate Cancer Journey

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Matcha Green tea is one of my favorite drinks, and my favorite green tea is Matcha. Literally “powdered tea,” matcha is a carefully crafted green tea that is whisked with hot water in a bowl to make a frothy beverage. Preparation of matcha is the focus of the Japanese tea ceremony and has a long association with Zen. Matcha is the only form of tea in which the whole leaf is consumed, and because it is made from top-quality leaves that are treated with great care, it delivers more of the healthful elements of green tea than other forms. In addition to providing trace minerals and vitamins (A, B-complex, C, E, and K), matcha is rich in catechin polyphenols, compounds with high antioxidant activity. These compounds offer protection against many kinds of cancer, help prevent cardiovascular disease and slow the aging process. They also reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood, stabilize blood sugar levels, help reduce high blood pressure and enhance the body's resistance to many toxins. Matcha also has a significant amount of dietary fiber and practically no calories. Try substituting matcha for coffee or other caffeinated drink.

from............Dr. Weil website