Scientific studies have demonstrated that high doses of certain antioxidants can help prevent cancer by counteracting free radicals and boosting the immune system. Antioxidants in green tea have been shown to have a protective effect against cancer; the active component in the tea is epigallocatechin -3-gallate. It helps to activate p53 and stop abnormal cell growth. A component of grape skins known as resveratrol has been shown to have similiar protective antioxidant effects. The human body utilizes a complex network of antioxidants composed of several players that work together as a team, so it is important to consume a balanced spectrum of antioxidants.
It would be impossible to eliminate all toxins and pollutants, and the body produces free radicals as normal byproducts of metabolism. However, you can make a positive contribution to the cellular war against oxidative free radical damage and keep cancerous cells at bay by consuming a well-balanced diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Including a comprehensive, high-quality multivitamin and multi oxidant dietary supplement will ensure your all-important p53 gene is protected, keeping your cells youthful and "rust-free."
....from, ALIVE.